domingo, 5 de marzo de 2017

College of engineers and engineers

Engineers college

    The College of Engineers is a moral body of a public nature and, as such, has legal personality and its own patrimony, with all the rights, obligations, powers and attributions established by law.
     It is responsible for promoting and promoting the basic concepts that will govern the performance of the new guild, through the design and elaboration of a proposal on the new Law on the Exercise of Engineering and its Regulations, by developing a harmonious set of mechanisms for democratic participation Facilitating organizational modalities necessary to develop a specialized opinion from the technological field, on the country's position in the global globalization process, promoting evaluation processes and the relaunch of internal institutions of the VIC, in order to strengthen our Presence in the national technological movement, creating study centers, dedicated to the development of topics of national interest.

     Its headquarters is in the Capital of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Address: Av. Principal of Quebrada Honda, Loa Caobos, Caracas. Dtto. Capital, Postal Zone 1050.

Resultado de imagen para colegio de ingenieros


Resident engineer

 He is a Specialist in the Field of Nature of the Work. The Contractor is responsible for carrying out the execution according to the plans and technical specifications established in the project, ensuring the best use of equipment, tools and Human Resources, as well as compliance with safety and security standards. Industrial hygiene, according to what is established in the contract.
     The Resident Engineer is the technical representative of the contractor in the work, is in charge of the planning, execution of the work and control activities, such as: quality, personnel organization, minutes, measurements, valuations and other administrative acts.

Resultado de imagen para ingeniero residente

Inspector Engineer

 He is a Professional of the Engineering (collegiate) Specialized in the Field of the Nature of the Project to execute, with enough experience to be responsible for the inspection of the work and to control that the construction is carried out fulfilling each of its requirements and stages , In accordance with the plans, specifications and other documents of the project.
      In performing as an Inspector Engineer, the Professional acts as the representative of the contracting entity before the contractor and before the beneficiaries of the work. It is the only authorized to communicate to the contractor, possible modifications (Authorized by the Employer) or new technical proposals that modify the project or the budget.

Resultado de imagen para ingeniero inspector

Project Engineer

     He is a Professional of the Engineering, Architecture or Purposes, Specialized in the Field in which Designs the Project of Work. The technical documents elaborated by these professionals are of their intellectual property and no natural or legal person can make use of them, without the consent of its author.

Resultado de imagen para ingeniero proyectista

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